Easter Activities Archives - Busy Bugs

Busy Bugs

Learning Through Play

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Standing on Eggs Experiment

Standing on Eggs Experiment

Posted by on Apr 1, 2015 in Easter Activities, Science Activities, Spring Crafts and Activities | 2 comments

As my bugs and I were getting ready to decorate eggs for Easter, I embraced a teachable moment by asking them whether they thought eggs were strong or weak. With little hesitation, both M and B replied that eggs were definitely weak. They’ve helped me in the kitchen numerous times, and cracking eggs is by far their favourite culinary skill (other than tasting of course), so they thought my question was a bit bizarre. Of course they’re weak mom! We’ve broken dozens on the floor… They didn’t believe me when I told them that eggs are actually very strong, so I challenged them to try to break an egg by squeezing it between their hands.

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Spring Picture Books: A Dozen Eggs-ellent Picks

Spring Picture Books: A Dozen Eggs-ellent Picks

Posted by on Apr 9, 2014 in Easter Activities, Literacy Activities, Picture Book Activities, Spring Crafts and Activities | 0 comments

Like most people, when I think of Spring, new beginnings and rejuvenation comes to mind: trees budding, tulips bursting with colour, bits of green sprouting up amidst a boring brown canvas, plump robins hopping across the yard, enticing mud puddles and wriggling worms… and eggs. I think of eggs.

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Eggshell SMASH Painting! (Paint-Filled Eggshells)

Eggshell SMASH Painting! (Paint-Filled Eggshells)

Posted by on Mar 24, 2013 in Easter Activities, Painting | 0 comments

M has been itching for days to get his hands on some eggs just so he can smash them open. I’ve caught him a few times sneaking into the fridge, grabbing an egg out of the carton, and then shooting me a devilish grin. Luckily I’ve managed to apprehend the egg before he’s had a chance to smash it on the floor! He loves helping me crack eggs for recipes, and when cooking breakfast, but I still can’t convince him to eat one . To help satiate his irresistible urge, I’ve been intentionally cracking open just the tops of the eggs when I need them, rinsing them out, and leaving the bottoms in the carton to use  for egg smash painting.

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