My bugs really enjoyed the story The Odd Egg, by Emily Gravett. When I finished reading it aloud to them, they would end up taking turns ‘reading’ it themselves, mainly because they thought the end of the story was hilarious.
I decided to make up a set of felt characters, based on the book, so my bugs could reenact the story again and again on their felt board.
The Odd Egg: Felt Board Fun
- variety of felt colours
- craft feathers
- googly eyes
- fabric glue
- scissors
- Sharpies or paint pens
- felt board (you can check out how we made ours here)
Retelling the Story The Odd Egg, by Emily Gravett
Here’s a short video of M retelling the story (I was late starting my recording, so I only caught the ending).
As you can see, in M’s version of the story, there is no question as to what happens to the poor little birds at the end…
Click on the links to see: a list of eggs-ellent picture books, felt board activities, picture book activites, Spring ideas, and Easter activities!
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