Snowman Soup!
When I was teaching I used to give my students ‘snowman soup’ as a little holiday gift before winter break. They are cheap, simple to make, and it’s hot chocolate so you really can’t go wrong. Since M is now in preschool I decided to make up bags of snowman soup for his classmates as well.
Here’s what you’ll need:

hot chocolate packets, marshmallows, candycanes, Hershey Kisses, Foodwriters (I bought these from Michael’s, but they are optional), ziplock sandwich bags, print out of bag topper with snowman soup poem, stapler
If you decide to use the Foodwriters (I think they add a unique touch), it’s a good idea to let the teacher know that the snowman faces were drawn on using food colouring pens, not Sharpies, just so no one thinks you’re crazy!!
While I was busy drawing on the snowman faces, M added a hot chocolate packet, one candycane, and one Hershey Kiss to each bag. Then we put the snowman face, plus 2 plain marshmallows, into each ziplock bag and sealed them closed.
Feel free to use the Snowman Soup Bag Topper I created. Just cut around the box, fold in half, and your bag topper is ready to be stapled on.
Snowman Soup is a cute way to send warm wishes for the holidays!
Teacher Gift!
Now that we have the class gifts taken care of, what about the teacher(s)? Having been a classroom teacher myself, I just thought of what I would like to receive as a gift. I decided to stick with the snowman soup theme, but with a couple of extra, grown-up, embellishments of course!
I picked up some cute snowman mugs at Superstore for $4, but I’m sure you can find cheaper ones at the Dollar Store if you wanted to. I filled the mugs with a large candycane, lots of Hershey’s Kisses, and an After Eight flavoured hot chocolate packet. I also added a $20 gift card to Starbucks and a small airplane bottle of Baileys for a bit of extra holiday cheer! If you decide to add the bottle of Baileys, it’s a good idea to put the gift in a bag with some tissue paper, and to let the teacher know what’s inside so they can put it somewhere safe and out of reach from little ones!
Happy Gifting!
Umm, yeah I’m doing this! 🙂
I was planning snowman soup but to have the kids copy the poem… but instead I’m stealing your bag topper. Who has time to write this week anyway!?
I love this! Thank you!
Whoo-hoo! This is soooo what I was looking for! So appreciate it!