Posted by on Jul 22, 2014 in Camping, Outdoor Activities, Science Activities | 0 comments

Nature masks are a fun camping craft children of all ages will enjoy. All you need, besides the great outdoors, are: paper plates, glue, and a few extra embellishments such as googly eyes and colourful feathers.

Nature Masks

We started by taking the kids on a nature walk to collect interesting items for their nature masks. They used magnifying glasses to inspect some of the items more closely and to observe any bugs they discovered along the way.

nature masks 16  nature masks 5nature masks 3  nature masks 6

When we got back to camp, I set out the glue, googly eyes, feathers, and paper plates, and the kids got to work assembling their nature masks using the items they had collected from our walk.

nature masks 15  nature masks 12I

I love how each mask turned out so quirky and unique!

nature masks 9  nature masks 1

nature masks 14  nature masks 2

Click on the links for more simple camping activities and outdoor fun!

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