Posted by on Jan 23, 2013 in Literacy Activities, Preschool Letter Activities, Tactile Alphabet | 0 comments

After returning from a trip to the zoo, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to focus on the letter Z. We started off by brainstorming different words that start with the letter Z, such as: zoo, zebra, zap, zipper, zip, etc. Then I cut out the letter Z from some textured, zebra print, scrapbook paper and had M glue it onto a piece of cardstock.

Letter Z

When he was finished, I had M trace over the textured letter Z with his finger a few times to help him get the feel of how to properly form it.

Letter Z

 Once he was confident with the formation of the letter Z, I put a large piece of paper in front of him and showed M how to print the letter Z using a marker. Next, I had him choose a different colour, and encouraged him to trace over my letter Z the best he could.

letter Z

He started off a bit shaky, but he gradually got the hang of it after practicing with a rainbow of colours; hence the term ‘rainbow letters’.

When I was teaching, I used to use rainbow words as one of my word work centres. The students would choose words they had the most difficulty spelling, from their individualized spelling list, and make them into rainbow words.

letter Z

letter Z

M loved the novelty of being able to use the scented Mr.Sketch markers :).  It was wonderful to see him so engaged and focused during this activity. Even after using all of the colours in the box, he still wanted to keep going!



