Posted by on Jan 29, 2013 in Literacy Activities, Motor Skills, Preschool Letter Activities | 0 comments

BRRRrrrrrrrrrrr! It is a frigid -22°C today (feels like -27°C with the wind chill) which means we will be staying inside today…ALL day.

After playing with their toys, building puzzles, and making muffins this morning, I laid B down for a MUCH needed nap, and decided it was time to burn off some of M’s pent up energy, while slipping in a bit of letter sound practice as well.

I cut out a few large circles from white cardstock for our snowballs, wrote a different letter on each one with a Sharpie, spread the snowball letters around the living room, and VOILA! The game ‘Snowball (Letter Sound) Hop’ was born!

letter sound

I’d call out a winter word to M, such as ‘mitten’ or ‘sled’, and he would run and hop onto the snowball with the corresponding initial letter. I only used a few letters at a time (6) so it wasn’t too overwhelming; I wanted to keep him running!

letter sound

letter sound

love that smile!

When I ran out of winter words for those letters, I flipped the snowballs over and wrote 6 new letters on the back.

letter sound

letter sound

M really loved this game and he was pretty tired by the end of it! Mission accomplished!



