This morning M and B found Bob, our elf on the shelf, all tangled up in some ribbon and hanging from the light fixture, while trying to wrap a gift.
I thought it might be fun for the boys to wrap some gifts of their own today, and to make some festive wrapping paper by using homemade stamps and paint.
Tinfoil Wrapping
M’s not quite coordinated or patient enough to learn to wrap with paper, so I decided to use tinfoil instead. I wrapped up a few of his toy animals and told him to guess what was inside. When he was done guessing and unwrapping, he went to his toy bin and started wrapping up more of his animals for me to guess. This turned into a fun game that preoccupied M for a good chunk of the morning!
Little B also loved scrunching up the tinfoil
Homemade Wrapping Paper and Stamps
This activity would have looked way cooler with brown craft paper, but I had to improvise with what we had. I had bought some foam Christmas cutouts from the dollar store and thought they would make good prints for our wrapping paper. I glued the foam cutouts to the base of some wine corks, and voila! Homemade stamps.
M had a fun time mixing colours and making prints with his new stamps. The stamps worked ok, but they would have been a lot better if they were mounted on sturdy cardstock, and cut out, before glueing them to the wine corks.
Then I made a classic apple stamp for M to use. I thought the star pattern from the apple core made it kind of Christmas-y.