Posted by on Oct 31, 2012 in Activities for Halloween, Halloween, Science Activities | 0 comments

This looks like a cup of spilled, green, oozing liquid but it’s actually solid to the touch… it’s SLIME! M and I put the slime into a glass and left the cup tipped on its side overnight to see what would happen. In the morning we peeled the slime off the parchment paper and it came out as one big chunk from the glass.
With Hallowe’en fast approaching, M and I made some monster green slime using ingredients we already had on hand:

  • Borax
  • Green Food Colouring
  • Glue
  • Water

First M mixed 1/2 cup of Borax with about 500ml of water.


Then he shook the container really well to make the Borax solution.


Using a Solo cup, M squeezed about 3oz of glue, and then added equal parts water.


Then he added a few drops of green food colouring and mixed the glue mixture together using a stir stick.



When it was mixed well, M slowly added a bit of the Borax solution to the glue mixture, and stirred it well. The molecules from the Borax bind with those of the glue and start to stick to the stir stick.


Make sure to only add a tiny bit of the Borax solution at time. Keep adding and stirring until there is only a bit of liquid left in the cup. The rest should be sticking to the stir stick.


The consistency of our slime was really great. We could mold it into virtually any shape, and when we let it sit on a flat surface it oozed out into a thin layer… very cool!





